
Aspiring addiction professionals must take into account the specific requirements of their respective states. Each state has distinct criteria and credentials. Utilize the resources provided below to outline your path toward becoming an addiction professional. While exploring the websites, ensure that you adhere to the guidelines set forth by the credentialing board in your chosen state.

State Specifics Overview

Directions: Identify your state’s licensing requirements for substance abuse professionals and find the credentialing requirements for a bachelor’s degree or lower. If your state does not offer credentials for a bachelor’s degree or lower, refer to the master’s level credential. Fill out the table below using complete sentences.

Which state do you reside or plan to live?I currently reside in California and have researched the licensing and credentialing requirements for substance abuse professionals in California.

What credentials does your state offer for addiction professionals?In California, individuals can obtain certification through an approved certifying organization via the California Department of Healthcare Services to become a Certified Addiction Treatment Counselor (CATC).

Which credential are you interested in pursuing?I am interested in pursuing the Certified Addiction Treatment Counselor Tier III (CATC III) credential.

URL for your state’s requirements:

Education Requirements Overview

Each state credentialing board specifies educational requirements in terms of quarter hours, semester hours, or credit hours. It is important to note these differences and apply the formulas below to complete the remainder of the worksheet.

  • If state requirements are described by hours:

    • 1 Capella quarter credit hour = 10 hours.
  • If state requirements are described by semester hour:

    • Divide semester hour by 1.5 to get Capella quarter credit hour.

Complete the table below using complete sentences.

What degree is required (none, associates, bachelors, masters)?The degree required for my desired position of CATC III is a bachelor’s degree. According to the Addiction Counselor Certification Board of California, the degree must be obtained from a regionally accredited college or university and “must be in Addiction Studies or a related behavioral health/behavioral science field” (2020).


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